You are not your diet! Why do you walk around telling anyone that will listen about the diet you ar

You are not your diet!

Why do you walk around telling anyone that will listen about the diet you are on?

You don't get a badge of honor for being Carol The Crash Dieter or Wendy The Lifetime Weight Watcher.

"Hi I'm Beth and I eat everything in moderation!"

Pretty silly, right?

If you identify with a diet.. you need to find your identity because you are lost.

Listen to episode 99 of Cut The Crap With Beth and Matt for more No BS truths like this!

Cut The Crap With Beth and Matt is the world's #1 No BS Health and Fitness podcast with the goal of making fitness for everyone.

In good health,

Beth and Matt

#fitnesspodcast #intermittentfasting #vegandiet #identitycrisis #youarenotwhatyoueat