Fitness Marketing 101 (Aka How To Sell Bullshit To Consumers) 1

Fitness Marketing 101 (Aka How To Sell Bullshit To Consumers)

1. Develop Worthless Product
2. Make Bold, Unsubstantiated Claim For Product That Tugs At Consumers Emotions
3. Sell Product To Make Them Feel Better
4. Profit
5. Rinse + Repeat Until You’re A Billion Dollar Company

There you go. Fitness marketing is some of the sleeziest, unethical marketing I’ve ever seen.

Did you know that supplement manufacturers can pretty much say whatever the fuck they want? If they aren’t doing you any harm, it’s free game.

Intermittent fasting bars? Pre-fasting bars? What the actual fuck is this rubbish?

If you’re going to fast, cool. Go for it. But you don’t need a fucking “fasting bar”. Eat real fucking food, not a glorified candy bar with a little bit of protein in it. That will help make your fast a little easier because FOOD keeps you satisfied.

Weight loss shake? Go shit yourself, Atkins Diet. Weight loss shakes and supplements DON’T MAKE YOU LOSE WEIGHT/FAT. The ONLY way to lose fat is to be in a caloric deficit. No shake or pill will do that for you. In fact, if your goal is to lose fat, STOP USING SHAKES!!

What will happen is you’ll grab the shake, then be ravenous a couple of hours later because, well, YOU DIDN’T EAT ANY FUCKING FOOD! Congratulations, you just overconsumed calories because you didn’t properly nourish your body.

Shakes are NOT meals and they should not be used as such. They are a supplement to help you reach your protein if you are lacking. That is it. They do NOT make you lose fat.

Protein cookies? Please. They advertise this as a 16g of protein and that it has great taste.

First of all, they taste like dog shit wrapped in card board.

Secondly, one serving of these cookies is half of the fucking cookie! Coming in at a whopping 8g of protein for 210 calories!

See how the marketing is deceiving you there?

To get the entire 16g of protein, you’d need to eat the entire thing for 420 calories. And I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather eat a REAL COOKIE and then have a protein shake if I wanted some protein. I'd be consuming fewer calories.

To your health,

Beth and Matt